McCallister & ?Rohde family vacation from Kenosha, WI

We loved having you all on board. If felt like one big happy, crazy, funny family!


Great job Toni!!


Now there is triple trouble!


Millions of shells on Shell Island


Thanks Bill for all you do!


Enjoying another piece of paradise


A dinghy ride to our own private island!


Jim, Elizabeth, and Janine having a blast together


Toni and Bill – How sweet!


A wonderful walk on Man-O-War beach with our new pal!


Our awesome crew & cute Man-O-War dog!


I had so much fun hanging out with Mody!!


Enjoying Lola’s cinnamon buns. ?Yummy!


Our first ride in the new “limo” dinghy! ?Too cool!


Toni coiling the spannker peak halyard


You guys are good!


Go Girls!


Awesome Mainsail Crew!


Captain Thomas & Elizabeth hoisting the spannker sail


How nice!


Great having you both on board!


This is the spot! ?I’m relaxed!


Good friends


Elizabeth at the helm!


Tuckered out!


Feeling right at home!


Elizabeth riding on the bow sprit under full sail


Mom and daughter snorkeling together.


Janine loving every minute in the water…oh except for the shark!


Can I stay here forever??


Elizabeth ready for her first snorkel. ?She did great!


What a cute couple!


McCallister & ?Rohde family vacation from Kenosha, W